“Kamalayan, Kahusayan, at Kaunlaran Pangturismo” Fostering Greener Environment and Tourism Venture at Barangay Tibatib, Cavinti Laguna

On September 18, 2023, the College of Business, Administration, and Accountancy (CBAA) spearheaded two of its plans and programs for its adopted community, Barangay Tibatib, Cavinti, Laguna. The day started with the registration of participants, followed by a solemn prayer and the singing of the National Anthem. Dr. Alex Macario C. Cecilio, the CBAA Dean, delivered the opening remarks and explained the activity objectives. He expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Barangay Tibatib for accepting the partnership and being the college’s adopted community. Dean Cecilio also extended his deep appreciation to Lions Club International for providing support as the activity sponsor.

Following the Dean’s opening address, Hon. Roldan O. Villegas, the Barangay Captain, expressed his gratitude to Laguna University for choosing Barangay Tibatib as their adopted community to implement its extension services. He also acknowledged the attendees coming from the community and likewise thanked the Lions Club International for its generous support and contribution to the activity. A representative from the Lions Club International was also given the opportunity to talk, highlighting the significance of such community-focused endeavors and their alignment with the organization’s mission.

The program featured Dr. Rex Victor O. Cruz, an expert in Watershed Management and a Professor Emeritus at the University of the Philippines Los Baños. He expressed the critical importance of safeguarding and nurturing the environment for future generations. His discussion included watershed protection, ecosystem management, and the delicate balance between human activities and nature. Dr. Cruz’s message went beyond mere information dissemination; it inspired those in attendance to become active stewards of the environment.

In addition to Dr. Cruz’s enlightening presentation, Dr. Cecilio, the Dean of the College, shared his expertise in Food and Beverage Services. Dr. Cecilio highlighted the practical relevance of this field, particularly within the context of the flourishing tourism industry. He discussed various aspects of food service and hospitality management. What made Dr. Cecilio’s discussion particularly valuable was the CBAA’s vision for Barangay Tibatib as they saw the potential for the community to become a thriving tourism destination. This vision could encompass the development of local restaurants, culinary traditions, and hospitality services, which could attract tourists and generate economic opportunities for the residents.

The resource speakers didn’t just deliver presentations; they ignited a spark of inspiration and possibility. Dr. Cruz urged participants to take on the role of environmental stewards. At the same time, Dr. Cecilio provided a vision of how the community could harness its potential in the tourism industry, blending education with empowerment.

The CBAA CES coordinator emphasized that this activity marks the initial step in the growing partnership between CBAA and Barangay Tibatib. It demonstrates the college’s commitment to extending its expertise and resources to create positive and lasting impacts on the community.

By: Ms. Katrina Clare M. Labios

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